Application Form

Fill in the following form to join our classes for the Offshore Sailing School
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Beginner Class

Advanced Class
I am over 18
*σε περίπτωση που δε συγκεντρωθεί ο προαπαιτούμενος αριθμός μελών για το τμήμα της Σχολής Ιστιοπλοΐας Ανοιχτής Θαλάσσης, το τμήμα αυτό δε θα πραγματοποιηθεί

Advanced Class

The school offers training exclusively for adult men and women. The theory classes are taught using the following additional available means: specialized video tapes, projectors, slides, sailing boat models in a specially designed area. The practical lessons take place in up-to-date fully equipped open sea sailing boats. The school upholds the highest standard in sea safety regulations for human preservation.
Having completed the methodology courses, practical exercises and related exams, the trainees earn an International Diploma which is recognized by the Greek State and allows them to command their own sailing boat or a rented one. The courses are offered by specially trained and highly experienced instructors.

Sailing School Classes
Beginners Class Advanced Class
New Classes
Monday 30/09/2024
at 19:00
New Classes
Monday 30/09/2024
at 19:00

The Offshore Sailing School program includes 8 theory classes, one per week from 19:00-22:00 in Paiania and 8 practicals which take place every Saturday or Sunday from 09:00-15:00 in Lavrio Port. The practical training, also, contains a two-day cruise to a nearby island of Cyclades, to gain night sailing experience.
After their graduation, students can participate in Offshore Sailing racing Competitions to gain more experience in boat and sail handling, weather conditions and ports.